Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Does anyone know where the book of Micah is? Elder Skinner does now! June 5, 2016

Afternoon, all of my best friends and family members! It's a wonderful day out in Ilsan, and email time is coming to a close, meaning it's time to send out my weekly email.

This week, it's been really hot. Nothing too bad, but it has been noticeably warmer this week. I just can't wait for this summer! (sarcasm)

But this week has been pretty good! I don

't have too much to talk about, though, as not a lot has happened between last week and now. We had a new family come to English Class, a service project delivering food to people who happened to be a little bit more advanced in years and also super nice, and to top it all off we had an awesome 2 hour choir practice, practicing a secret song that I'll try to share with you all in a few weeks!

A cool miracle we saw this week, though, was when we were out trying to find a member's house to give her a thank you note and some cookies for participating in a ward event recently. Unbeknownst to us, we had passed the turn-off and walked for about a kilometer in the wrong direction before we even realized it. So we find this out and it's almost 8:30, and we're really far from home, so we just decided to hail a bus and head back. So we get on the bus and guess who's sitting in the back of the bus, but the member who we had planned on visiting that same night! So we were able to give her the note and cookies and get home... before 9:30! (We were still late ^^;;) But miracles happen everywhere here in Ilsan!

I thought alot this week on one of my new favourite scriptures, in the book of Micah (Old Testament, near the end) chapter 7, verse 8. It reads,

"Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy; when I fall, I shall arise; when I stand in darkness, the Lord shall be a light unto me". I know that the Lord will never let us fall alone! He will guide us and help us to be strong in all things!

Hoorah for Israel!

~Elder Skinner

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