Sunday, July 10, 2016

A DJ with a 문제! Another week bites the dust!

Morning everyone! I know it's morning where you are because I can see through the little camera on the upper frame of your monitors. You seem surprised, but don't worry about it!

This week was a pretty good week for us missionaries here in Ilsan. I'm gonna try and summarize all the amazing adventures that have taken place in a short email because I know that you know that I know that you don't have time for this. So! On to the week.

Monday was spent down at Costco, spending a lot of money on food that should last us for a little while! Probably!

This coming week is our mission conference, so this Friday we had a conference call with the entire mission, reminding us to be prepared, clean our apartments, and also to tell us to get some ice cream because he passed his drivers' test!

This week has been slow in term of investigators, but we were able to teach several lessons on the street, which is something we've been trying to work on this week! That's a nice little reminder that we're still doing the Lord's work!

It's been good, it's been hot, it's been humid, and we've seen miracles! I hope you all are as stoked for this next week as I am! I'll talk to you all next week, but for now, DFTBA!

~Elder Skinner 

The photo below is of the Ilsan district! From left to right, Sister Dorough, Sister Kim, Elder Nam, Elder Paulsen, Elder Polley, and Elder Skinner!

서울시 종로구 자하문로 152 1
서울 선교부

Seoul-Si Jongno-Gu Jihamun-Ro 152 1-Dong

Seoul Mission

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