Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Elder Skinner learns how not to golf! May 15, 2016

The biggest development from this week is that I stink at golf, including screen golf! The bright side is, I got the highest score out of our district!

But anyways. Morning everyone! Unfortunately time is limited, so this will be a short, to-the-point kind of email!

This week was Branch Conference, which was super cool, but mostly because there was a huge lunch afterwards.
We got a new investigator this week named Richard, from China! He, like other Chinese people we've met in the past, is super awesome!

To close off, this month in Korea is Family Month, so I thought I''d share a cool scripture we used for an English Class message: Jacob 3:6-7.

"And now, this commandment they observe to keep; wherefore, because of this observance, in keeping this commandment, the Lord God will not destroy them, but will be merciful unto them; and one day they shall becomea blessed people.
 7 Behold, their husbands love their wives, and their wives love their husbands; and their husbands and their wives love their children;"

The blessings of families are as innumerable as the sands of the earth, and I hope you all this week will take a moment and think about the impact your family has had on your life, whether you be parent or child, husband or wife.

Have a wonderful week and I'll send another message next week!

~Elder Skinner

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