Tuesday, June 7, 2016

For those days when you find two new investigators... For another team of missionaries. April 10, 2016

 Hello everyone, good morning, afternoon, and bedding to the people of the earth. This is Elder Skinner, coming at you live from the land of Korea, specifically in Imun! This week has been full of blessings and spiritual-ness, but seeing as time is short I'll just have to tell a few stories and leave it at that.

This week on exchanges with my District Leader, we found and picked up two new investigators, and met with a couple of other potential ones. All are great people with lots of potential, but I will not be the person to do the actual teaching. >.<

We did find investigators for our own team this week though! This week we met with James 2, who seems really open to hearing the Gospel and is already progressing well. Today we will teach him the Restoration.

We also met with Son 2, from Jilin China (don't ask me how I knew where that was). He was really open to hearing about religion, though he doesn't have a belief of his own and really doesn't know if there is a God. We gave him a Chinese Book of Mormon and he's continuing to do well!

Bowen is also from China, and though he's not that interested in God, he accepted a Chinese Book of Mormon from the church and he agreed to meet us again later!

This week was also Transfer calls! The big news is that after 4 transfers, 6 months together, me and Elder Wyckoff are separating. Elder Wyckoff will be going out to Chuncheon to finish out his mission, and I will be introducing Elder Barney to the land of Imun. I'll introduce you to him next week!

This week all of us missionaries watched General Conference. To close off, I would like to share something I learned from Conference (I don't know which speaker said it...) But the point was that we are a church of inclusion. We cannot let anyone feel excluded or not welcome in our community, because Christ doesn't exclude us! I love you all and hope you all have a great week!

~Elder Skinner

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