Monday, November 30, 2015

Nov. 22 Beyond Infinity! Elder Skinner and Tommy Choi!

Good afternoon, my subjects! XD How are you all doing this wonderful day?

This week's been pretty busy on our end! Weather's been going between just a suit to suit and sweater to suit, sweater, and rain coat the past couple weeks so hopefully it'll settle down a bit, even if it does mean it's cold. I quite enjoy the cold, honestly.

Plus, we had a performance to practice for this Saturday, so we had to set aside some time for that. Co-ordinating schedules between three missionaries enough to practice for a musical performance is quite the hassle at times, but we managed to (barely) put it together and deliver a (somewhat) good performance. Everyone tells us we did super good but I'm not sure I believe them yet.

A little earlier on in the week, on Tuesday, Elder Wyckoff feels the spirit and he takes us down a bunch of little side roads, knocking on a couple doors and talking to everyone we can, and just as we're about to finish up and head to District Meeting, we meet a cool kid named Tommy Choi. We haven't got a hold of him yet but he seemed super interested and now we know that going by the Spirit doesn't fail!

On Wednesday we made some Kimchi... And by 'some' I mean 'enough to fill a parking lot'. I didn't 'make' the Kimchi, per se, but I did do some of the heavy lifting (you know how I love heavy lifting), and there was a lot of Kimchi to be lifted.

As for investigators, it looks like we'll be pushing back Brother Yang (Our investigator with a baptismal date)'s Baptism for a couple weeks. He just doesn't seem ready to make and keep the covenants associated with baptism. He's still willing to make that step, though!

We haven't met with Yi since last week, but we're gonna call him and reschedule something.

No new investigators of note this week, but we've also been running around between other appointments. This week's looking good, though! I've gotta head out but I love you all! This week I'm studying faith, so please send me your insights! I really like Elder Rasband's talk this last conference about centering our lives on Christ, and
it's something I'm going to especially focus on this week. Have a wonderful week, everybody!

~Elder Skinner of Star Command [?]

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