Monday, November 30, 2015

Come, O thou King of Kings! Elder Skinner gets into the Christmas Spirit!

...Okay, I know it's not technically a Christmas song, but I like it anyway!

This week, the Christmas spirit has been very apparent in the mission, as now missionaries are willing to sing Christmas hymns and the church has just today released the "A Saviour is Born" program, so for the next 26 days, Christmas Spirit will abound!

Plus, out here in Korea, the weather just turned on the AC! It's cold out here! I'll attach a picture of me in my full getup for this week!

This week's been pretty normal, but there are a few things I'd like to share about.

On Friday we met a guy who isn't interested in religion at all, but wanted to meet with us just cause. But wouldn't you know it, the Book of Mormon answers all of his questions and concerns about religion and he wants to know more about what we teach. It's almost like the Gospel is true or something!

This Thanksgiving in Korea, as missionaries we ate a heaping Thanksgiving meal of... Pizza! It was delicious, but not anywhere near the good stuff I'm sure you all ate and gave thanks for.

I'm thankful this week for the perspective of the Gospel! That's helped me a lot through recent times, just recognizing that there is an eternal plan for us, and that the work WILL move forward!

To close out, here's a verse I've been studying, in Ezekiel 34:12;

As a shepherd seeketh out his flock in the day that he is among his sheep that are scattered; so will I seek
out my sheep, and will deliver them out of all places where they have been scattered in the cloudy and dark day.

I took that verse two different ways this week... as the shepherd, and as the sheep. It's interesting to think that as missionaries, and as members generally, we are at times shepherds searching out the flock, and other times sheep in need of rescue. I can think of distinct moments on my mission where I've felt like I was both at one time or another. Brothers and Sisters, the Gospel is true, and we do have a Saviour!

I hope you all have a wonderful week. Best of luck to all my friends in Christ Jesus,

~Elder Skinner [?]

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