Tuesday, December 29, 2015

My companions are freaks... Elder Skinner encounters Harmony-step!

Morning, afternoon, and brunch to all! How is everyone doing this wonderful Christmas season? Hopefully you all are doing great and remembering the true meaning of Christmas while experimenting with new gifts and shoving candy into your faces.

This week has been pretty great out in Korea! We've seen a lot of cool miracles, and had a few fun adventures as well.

To begin, this past Monday, I encountered a style of music I can only describe as "Harmony-step" (Harmony being the Korean word for grandmother) while we were shopping. It used usual harmony phrases and voices, mixed into an interesting dubstep song. Of course as a missionary I didn't listen to it, but I couldn't help but notice it.

Later on in the week we participated in three activities with our entire zone, using Christmas as a time to find people to teach. For Imun's activity, we wrapped up some Book of Mormon copies to give to people as Christmas presents, but we chose some interesting wrapping paper... We'll just conclude by saying that I never want to see another small green paper circle in my life. ^^

Seriously, though, all went well in those. We gave out lots of presents, and in addition we gave out Book of Mormon copies in three languages other than Korean; Chinese, Arabic, and Persian! We all saw lots of miracles from those activities.

Of course on Saturday I was able to Skype home and talk to family, which was obviously the best part of the week! I've forgotten a bit of my technology knowledge, but not all of it! We figured it out!

As for the title, we had an interesting experience with our roommates yesterday... They could hear my companion whispering to them across the apartment, when I (sitting in the same room as him) could barely hear him. We're pretty sure our roommates are aliens or something, but at least I don't think they're here to invade... haha!

As for people to meet this week, we met with a few awesome people! First off was Tony, a teacher at the foreign language university from Hawaii. He has no religion, but is interested in learning about ours after we taught him about the First Vision and the Restoration on the street. This week we met with him and talked about missionary work in general, as we didn't have a lot of time to go into a full lesson, but it was still good and he is willing to hear the discussions, and he took a Book of Mormon to read.

Next was Brother Beck. He's an older Korean man, who likes us and likes meeting with us, but is sometimes hard to understand (he speaks hard Korean!). We love him anyway though, and this week we taught him the Plan of Salvation.

Finally we met with Brother Yang. You know brother Yang, but this time we gave him a new Baptismal date for the 10th, and we're going to really push for him to be baptized then. He's still progressing, and he has the desire to be baptized, and we know it can bless his life!

During proselyting we met some interesting people. First was a cool homeless guy who asked us about our church, how he can receive salvation, and about Baptism. He wants to be baptized! We invited him to church and shared with him the chapters in Alma where he talks to those who have been "humbled by their afflictions", and we know that it can help him a lot.

I know this is a long email but it's almost done! I want to end off this week by sharing a spiritual thought through my favourite Christmas hymn! It's a bit of an unorthodox one, but I really like "Come, O Thou King of Kings". Every time I hear this song I'm reminded of the Saviour's sacrifice for us and what it means for us that He was born. It more specifically talks about His second coming, but I feel it applies to His birth as well.

Love you all, wishing you all the best of luck from Korea!

~Elder Skinner [?]

서울시 종로구 자하문로 152 1
서울 선교부

Seoul-Si Jongno-Gu Jihamun-Ro 152 1-Dong
Seoul Mission

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