Monday, November 2, 2015

Our bus driver is definitely Crazy... Elder Skinner wanders around Imun! Nov. 1

Hello everyone, and welcome to another episode of Elder Skinner's uninteresting adventures, starring Elder Skinner!

I'm not proud in my heart, I swear.

This week I got transferred! On Wednesday

we went down to the Mission Office (where transfers would be held) for Elder Bybee's final interview, and we decided to take the bus there rather than taking the train as we normally do. That turned out to be a bad idea, as it took nearly twice as long, (we also had to carry some luggage) and our bus driver was quite the crazy driver! It was kind of scary!

Then we transferred, and my new area is smaller than I thought it would be... We can literally walk around our area in a big circle once in a normal day (assuming no appointments)! It's a lot of city, but not quite the same city as Shinchon or even Guri... I guess it's kind of a smaller city sort of feel, a little bit more compact, maybe. Plus there are 7 universities within our area, a few of them being pretty big.

New companion's name is Elder Wyckoff, from Orem. He's in the same MTC group as Elder Bluhm (about 4 or 5 months ahead of me), and he's a fun Elder to serve with. He's energetic and really gets involved in things. He's a nerd like I am but he just doesn't express it as openly. XD

New apartment is bigger than my old one but still not quite the size of the ones before that. Not too much special about it, except for the other Elders living there... I'm with Elder Seely, from the MTC! He's finishing training a new missionary (also from Utah) who I don't know as well but seems cool.

The branch out here is super cool so far... It's about twice the size of Gangneung but still only half the size of Gyomun (Guri) or Shinchon... We're gonna make it a ward while we're here. ;)

But that's about it for this week... I've attached a picture of me and Elder Wyckoff being awesome, but that's about it for events this week.

This week's scripture is my Ponderizer for this week, Alma 30:41. It reads like this:

41 But, behold, I have all things as a testimony that these things are true; and ye also have all things as a testimony unto you that they are true; and will ye deny them? Believest thou that these things are true?

This scripture is a good reminder that we have a stronger testimony than sometimes we think we do. Just remember the basics and you can see yourself as God does- a person with a lot of potential! Have a wonderful week, everyone, and as always, Let us All press on!

~Elder Skinner

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