Monday, March 28, 2016

March 27 When there's 7 minutes left and an FPS being played right next to you...

...Your emails get pretty short and to the point!

How is everyone this week? I hope you're sitting in a nice cool place with a cup or bowl of something delicious nearby, but hopefully you're not getting it all over your computer!

This week's been pretty good in the land of Korea. At English Class this past Wednesday, we recycled an old favourite for our spiritual message... We had a paper airplane contest! My companion went last, and he crumpled up his airplane into a ball and threw it across the room for the victory. It was a lesson learned that when people cheat, it's no fun!

A lot of this week was spent baking, preparing, decorating and giving cookies. We had a couple of activities with our zone where we set up a stand and let people decorate cookies for Easter. All went well, and it seems like people saw a lot of really cool miracles from it.

As for investigators... We met and ate with brother Oh (anyone remember brother Oh?) at a vegetarian place this week, and I have to admit that though it's not delicious, vegetarian food is not the worst stuff out there. Maybe I'm just an American and I'm proud of my meat but it's not bad by any means.

Other investigators are investigating, and people are still coming by, but those are the major events from this week. Have a wonderful day, and as always, be a Son of Helaman today!

~Elder Skinner

서울시 종로구 자하문로 152 1
서울 선교부

Seoul-Si Jongno-Gu Jihamun-Ro 152 1-Dong
Seoul Mission

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