Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Presidents, normal old people, and lots of Chicken- Elder Skinner's adventures continue!

Well, everyone, another week has come and gone, and Elder Skinner's still in Korea. How's everyone doing this week? Hopefully you're in a nice, comfortable position as you're reading this email.

This week out here in Korea went pretty well overall. We got paid one day late because of some presidents, and that day happened to be our P-day... So we had to improvise in order to purchase our food, but in the end it all worked out. I think. 🙄

On Tuesday we met with three friends and investigators. The first fed us Kimchi Stew (it was good), but since he's technically the other Elders' investigator (whoops) we didn't teach him anything. The food was good though. Second was Mobby, from Zimbabwe. He's our new investigator, and he's willing to accept the Joseph Smith story which leads to only one outcome, and that is his baptism. Third was Brother O, who took us to a vegetarian place and then dropped us. He was nice, but it's something to remember that we got dropped at a vegetarian restaurant.

Then for my birthday, we went to lunch at Subway with a branch member who's getting married and moving away forever. Subway in Korea is about the same quality as the US (half-rate at best) but twice the price. I guess it wasn't the worst thing I've ever eaten, though. For dinner we got burritos, and even after all that the other Elders we live with tried to buy me surprise Chicken, but guess who knew their scheme from the beginning? (This guy)

But then we had our Chinese people class, which admittedly went a lot better than the first one. The participants even got together afterwards to eat Korean-style Chinese food. I consider that a success, and more potential baptisms, which is obviously the only reason we're even out here (No it's not).

Afterwards we met the most normal old person either of us have ever met in all of Korea. It's tough to describe, but old people in Korea generally fit into three categories: 1. Old and grumpy, doesn't listen to anyone else. 2. Old and happy, talks a lot and doesn't listen to anyone else, and 3. Old and just doesn't listen to anyone else. So when this one not only listened, bu reacted and talked in a normal way, we were a bit thrown off.

Then I got a cold. *cough cough*

On Saturday, our English friend David bought me and my companion almost $50 worth of Chinese food and then just left us to eat it on our own. It was honestly very awkward and we tried to convince him otherwise, but in the end me and my compan
ion ate as much as we could and still had about half a plate of chicken left to go.

Overall, things are good out here in Korea! I know that as we have faith, the Lord will bless us with our righteous desires if we show faith in Him. I'm working on a Korean sacrament talk on repentance, so I know that the Atonement is real, and that as we rely on Him, we can press forward with the assurance that He is pleased with our efforts (D+C 123: 17). I love you all and hope you have a great week!

~Elder Skinner

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