Monday, March 28, 2016

My 동반자 is the best March 20, 2016

Hello everyone! How are you all doing this wonderful Monday afternoon/Sunday night? I hope you all are in a comfortable chair as you are reading this email, else somewhere where you are happy and at peace with the universe.

I actually have a few things to talk about this week, so grab some chips or an ice cream and enjoy the email... Or just skip it, that's okay too.

To start off the news this week, I found an American football team here... dead serious. We were walking through the Weidae (University of Foreign Studies) campus and we saw a guy throwing a football around... So we talked to them for a minute. We decided that we could beat them, but it's nice to see someone appreciating the sport.

We had an appointment with a Less-active member to invite him to an upcoming music night, but he shows up and says that he has to leave like right then to another appointment and doesn't have time to talk, or sit down and watch a video. So we invite, give a flyer, and he leaves. It was interesting.

Met an old guy outside his house looking at his onions and mumbling something to us about them... We couldn't understand him... he did end up inviting us into his house, though, and we didn't have time to teach but we got his phone number and he said to come back whenever. So that's what we're gonna do. Maybe.

Service project time... We went to an old person home to help them colour pictures of trees. You would think it wouldn't be that hard, but I used all my powers of invitation and commitment to try and convince this harmony (Korean grandma) to colour the tree and it wasn't very effective. Even then, though, I coloured the best darn tree in the whole darn place.

We met with some people this week, a lot of them named Song... for one of them we had to leave our pizza in the hands of the other elders while we ran down to meet with him. He said he'd come to church, in the end, but couldn't come.

The second Song is a kid who has mostly English interest, but come right after church and wanted to hear about the Book of Mormon. We'll see him at English Class here soon!

Next is a Sung, who since last week has met with us 3 times, and wants to learn more about church. He's in Busan right now, but he'll be back later in the week for more lessons and hopefully he can get baptized in Australia!

We were called upon to go down to the Stake Center to attend a Relief Society event, where the Relief Society sisters in each ward in the Stake put on a performance. Of course, Imun was by far the best, but everyone else did good too. It was pretty fun.

And now for the top 5 reasons that my companion was the best this week:
1. He gave a talk in Sacrament meeting with almost flawless Korean ability.
2. Following that, he taught the Gospel Principles class about the signs of the Second coming- not an easy subject!
3. My companion also diligently called our investigators while I attacked the food trash in the freezer.
4. He made all of us Elders into superheroes!
5. Finally, he taught like a champ during our 6 sit-down lessons this week.

Not everyone gets to be with a companion for 4 transfers, so I thought I'd praise my companion a little bit this week.

That's all for now, but I'll have more news and probably also a photo or something to attach next week, so until then, Who is higher than a 추장?

Answer: 고추장!

~Elder Skinner [?]

서울시 종로구 자하문로 152 1
서울 선교부

Seoul-Si Jongno-Gu Jihamun-Ro 152 1-Dong
Seoul Mission

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