Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Interesting Donkasse!

Morning everyone! I don't have much time but here's some of this week's events!

As for me this week, I decided to try something new this week at a restaurant. It was Donkasse (Japanese-style pork chops), but with some stuffing-kind-of-stuff inside of it. It wasn't what I was expecting, and it wasn't bad, but I'll probably not order that again.

We discovered this week that part of the neighborhoods in our area have been completely condemned and shut down. There apparently was a member living in there, but it seems as if he's moved out.

 My companion got some of those trick jelly beans in a package, and being the good, intelligent missionaries we are, we decided to proselyte with them. People seemed to enjoy a good stinky socks flavored jelly bean. 

Throughout this entire week we successfully found... *A drum roll is heard in the background* one less-active person!... It was still good though!

We ate burritos with Brother Son and his new church friend Joseph (That is actually his name), which was pretty delicious, but it also helped Brother Son to make a new friend.

Interesting person was interesting as well, when we went to go teach a guy who believes everything about our church, including Joseph Smith and the first vision, but doesn't like the fact that we share testimonies in our church meetings sometimes... Sometimes I don't understand people, but you still love them, right?

We also had a lesson that went a little long... We only got back home around 10 O'clock >_> Branch President was there though so President Sonksen didn't get mad at us. 😌 The lesson was with a new investigator named Sung, and he's gonna get baptized soon!

We had a random baptism this week... The other team's investigator called this week and wanted to be baptized, but it was Stake Conference so we had to do it on Friday night. He's super awesome, but he may also be the busiest college student on the face of this planet.  

Transfer calls came as well... In an interesting turn of events, everyone in our district is staying here for another transfer! Later we found out that it was all because the branch president asked our mission president to let us all stay, so he did. You know what that means? The work is moving forward! So... One more time?

And then we met with another guy named Sung, but this one is younger and also very Buddhist... His grandmother is in a high position in Buddhism so they all listen to her or something... I still don't understand Buddhism so well haha  

So this email was a little bit longer than I thought it would be, but I still have a minute so I want to share a bit on faith... There are three ways to think of faith. (1) As a belief, (2) as an Action, and (3) as a Power. The way we can unlock the Power of faith is by setting a goal for ourselves, and then doing EVERYTHING we can do to make it happen, and then asking for God to make up the difference. For example, me and my District Leader went on exchanges this week and we decided that we wanted a lesson that day even though we didn't have one planned. So we called as many people as we could, but alas no one could meet. Just as we were about to go out to proselyte, we get a call from a referral who wanted to meet with us that day!

I know that the Saviour lives! Have a great week and smile often! (The Book of Elder Skinner, 2:14)

~Elder Skinner

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