Monday, September 21, 2015

Elder Skinner's got Seoul! How about you? Sept. 20

That's right everypony, I'm in Seoul! This week's been pretty intense with transfers and all but we're getting into the hang of things and it's looking to be a great transfer ahead of us.

To begin, this Tuesday we ate a popular Korean food called Soondaeguk! I was kinda hesitant (I'd had just plain Soondae before, and it wasn't that great :P) but it turned out to be pretty okay! So to everyone still in Korea, try some 순대국!

As my companion is training, we went into Seoul on Wednesday so he could go to that meeting, and I was able to proselyte a bit in my new area with Elder Hong. We had a great time, considering we had no idea where anything was!  But it was great anyway. Also, later that night I was with Elder Bluhm and Elder Yi, buying a bag for Elder Yi, and it turns out the lady we bought the bag from joined the church about 25 years ago but has become less-active! Elders and Sisters, miracles happen!

The next day I met my new companion, Elder Bybee. Thing is, this is his last transfer in Korea! O.o so I don't get to spend a lot of time serving with him but that just means I'll have to make it the best transfer EVER. Hopefully he's ready for it. >:) He's from Clearfield, Utah, and he's hoping to be a professor of Egyptology when he gets back.

The Area: It's a lot of city (obviously). There are quite a few universities here, along with plenty of foreigners from just about anywhere you can think of, so we get some diversity there. I haven't explored much of it yet but it seems like it'll be lots of fun. We also have subways, so that's exciting. Also in our area we have a Taco Bell, Burger King, Expensive Ashley's, and a foreigner store where we can get Root beer, so as you can imagine I'm pretty excited.

Not much to report this week, and not much time, but I'll make sure to have plenty of adventures this week to share with y'all. Attached is a selfie with my companion. Y'all have a great week now, ya hear?

~Elder Skinner 🐙

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