Monday, September 21, 2015

Elder Skinner goes to Seoul! Sept. 6

Afternoon, everybody! Hope you all had a great week.

So this week has been pretty busy for us in Gangneung. Beginning this past Monday we were in a threesome with Elder Dixon (another Elder in our area) while his companion went back to Military training for three days. During that time we went up to the University in our area (Gangneung-Wonju University) since summer break is over, and we had some success in finding people up there, as well as putting up some flyers for English Class.

Then on Wednesday we took a three hour bus ride to Seoul! We took our P-day there, climbed Namsan, ate some Korean Pizza (not quite as good as American pizza but it was still good), and went through the temple. We stayed the night there, then the next day we had Mission Conference! President Whiting (President of the Asia North Area) came and talked to us, gave us some advice and tried to set us slackers in line! Not really but we were really glad to hear what he had to say.

Another 3 hour bus ride back, another normal day on Friday, until we got a new roommate! He's from a ward in our mission (녹번- Nokbeon) and he's going to Washington to serve his mission, but his Visa isn't in yet so for now he's hanging with us, until he can go to the MTC. He's fun, but he's also a new missionary and is still getting used to things.

Saturday we watched Meet the Mormons with the branch, which, as always, is a great movie. They seemed to enjoy it!

And now we're here. Sorry not a whole lot of Missionary-work related news, but we're still helping people come unto Christ, and especially this week since it's looking like a normal week, we're gonna work super hard and find those people the Lord wants us to teach.

Love you all, hope you have a wonderful week!

~Elder Skinner

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