Monday, September 21, 2015

Hangul Molla! Elder Skinner gets one important phone call! Sept. 13

 That's right my faithful followers, I'm getting transferred!

But before I go into that, how are things going out there in the world? Hope you all have had great experiences this week.

This week has been fun for us. Not too much excitement but a normal week was just what the doctor ordered after a couple of fun and exciting adventure weeks.

This past Monday we took some visitors and went up to the beach to play Frisbee. It was fun, relaxed, just kinda nice overall.

Then on Wednesday we had Zone Training. The whole zone came to Gangneung to visit. Interestingly, while my companion was in a meeting, the planets aligned and I was able to go out and proselyte with my MTC companion, the Great and Powerful Elder Dye! It was fun to catch up a bit and enjoy his company. He then stayed here with us for a day while his companion went on exchanges with the zone leaders.

After zone training I went on exchanges with Elder Hong. I learned a lot from him, including that it's probably not a good idea to take bike selfies. I don't know, it seems like it'd be fine, but oh well. ;)

On Friday we went with the other Elders to eat Chuncheon Dakgalbi, which may now be my favourite food evar. Like, EVAR. It's that good.

Saturday we went out to the countryside to have a district fireside/dinner with the whole district. One of the Seoul Temple missionaries spoke, talking a lot about missionary work so of course it went great, plus the food was delicious. They made lots of meat and subsequently forced me to eat a whole lot of it. It was good though so I didn't mind.

Then I got the one phone call to rule them all... Transfer calls! Elder Bluhm is transferring (we all knew that would happen), but then the APs told me I'd be transferring too! I haven't been in Gangneung that long so it was kind of a surprise to hear that I'd be leaving. I'm going to Seoul, in the Shinchon (신촌) area. It's the area with the Temple in it!

I'll let you know how things go there next week, but now I've gotta go! I'll talk to you all next week, hoping you have a totally tubular week!

~Elder Skinner

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