Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Moosen Mario? Elder Skinner and the Ashley's that Wasn't Really That Good!

Hello everyone! Glad to see all your bright, smiling faces looking at this email. Hope you all had a great week.

So many of you may have noticed that I didn't send out an email last week... so I'm gonna start from two weeks ago.

So on the first Monday we went to Ashley's- an American-Style restaurant that is pretty popular among us missionaries. All in all, it wasn't really that exciting.

Went out to a few new areas of Gangneung as well, trying to do some exploring and finding new spots to proselyte. Gangneung is a pretty cool place, by the way!

On Tuesday we got a typhoon... Just a little small one, but they still called it a typhoon. Basically it was just windy and rainy. Nothing too abnormal. We still stayed mostly inside though. ^^'

This week we met a potential investigator at English Class. He had come early, so we got to talk to him a bit, and he tells us he had done some research about our church (we were sort of apprehensive at this). It was all good stuff, though- he found out about the Word of Wisdom and the Law of Chastity, which after we explained them a bit he said 'you guys are true Christians', which was nice to hear. He also found out about FLDS, which was an interesting discussion but it all went well. ^^

Saturday turned out to be pretty crazy... We had a couple appointments with people we met on the street (both ended up cancelling), English Class, and one of the members called to invite us to dinner. We went out to a new area in the afternoon after lunch (a pretty neat spot but I don't really know how to describe it ^^') and went out pretty far to the member's house to eat a lot of really spicy food, then consequently ran back to the house. Just so you're aware, (spicy food x a lot) + running = not a great idea. We got home in the nick of time though so that was good.

And as for the title of the email, it's become a phrase around our zone to say 'Moosen Mario' (무슨 말이에요?) Which means 'What did you say?' but saying it with an American accent ('Mario' in Korean sounds more like the Italian pronounciation). Mostly fun for the Korean missionaries reading this but still kind of interesting!

But that's it for this week... Hope you all had a wonderful one as well! I'm running out of time but I love you all! Keep on doing good things!

~Elder Skinner [?]

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jennifer, it was so much fun coming across jacksons blog. I'm glad he's doing good and enjoying his mission. I still remember him as a little kid, he looks the same just older😊 I hope your doing well.
    Shannon Jenson
