Monday, April 27, 2015

The bread here is weird... Elder Skinner nearly dies from huge gigantic bees!

Aloha, everyone! Sending lots of love, but my email won't allow the download.

This week's been full of excitement for us out here in Guri, and the weather is getting super nice as well! As a result, though, I've been seeing plenty of bees fling about, and anyone that knows me knows my opinion towards those suckers. Some have been massive! I saw one just the other day the size of a ping-pong ball!

This week we had a mission conference, where our Area president, Elder Ringwood, spoke to us a bit. You may remember him from General Conference, where he talked about everyone's favourite Book of Mormon hero, Shiblon. Anyway, he gave a lot of good advice, memorized everyone's names (I'm pretty sure he has superpowers or something) and answered a few questions. I would go into more specifics but I don't have my notes with me :(

Also during that adventure, I received a special tie, signifying that I can speak decent Korean! It's pretty awesome, and I'll send a picture with it next week!

I also went to the temple this week! It was a cool experience, and I went through in Korean again because the English session was full when I got there!

As for our investigators, Bei came to Sacrament yesterday! We couldn't convince him to stay any longer but he's a good person anyway. I love him a bunch.

Yi gets back from Malaysia today, and he should call us today or to set up another appointment.We have a couple of meetings with former investigators, and we'll see if they can be picked back up. We are hoping and praying for them as well.

This week we've also been focusing on working with members. We've made a few little cards with magnets on them and putting them on members' doors and stuff, just being nice.

Not a lot of time left today so I'll end off with a short testimony, that Christ Lives, overcame death, and through Him we can all do the same.

Love you all,

~Elder Skinner

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