Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Crazy English Ladies! Elder Skinner meets some interesting people!

Hello everyone!

So this week has been going pretty well for us! We managed to give out 51 Book of Mormons this week! Our zone is trying to get 1000 before the end of the month, and it looks like we're well on our way to reaching that goal.

So quite a few good stories to tell from the past couple days, so we'll start with those.

On Saturday, we had English Class (you know, like we do), and one of the ladies in the beginner's class was there. She'd come a few times before, and we've learned she's a bit wild, but she's pretty good about it. This week, though, she really scared my companion. We were getting ready for English class, and she came in, acting all mad at him for something. She tried to get us alone (Which, of course, is not okay) and at one point tried to lock us in a room (with another male english class member). So he's pretty scared... Thing is, she may just be joking around, so we're not quite sure how to handle that. We'll see how things go I guess.

Then on Sunday, we had someone call us that we met a couple weeks ago on the street, and asked if we could meet then. The place he lived was a half hour away and we had to take the train, so we cut lunch short and made our way down there.

On our way back from that appointment, a 전도사 (a street preacher, basically) starts yelling on the train. People are pretty good about ignoring them usually, but this time she was being ferocious. She was telling everyone they were going to hell, the end is nigh, believe in Christ... All the good stuff. Then some people told her to get off, and when we reached the next stop (one stop away from our stop), this college student shoves her off the train, into this middle eastern kid (like 2 or 3- he was okay). She tries to get back on, but he's just standing in the door and not letting her back on. So she flips her scarf all sassy-like and walks off. The student apologizes to the kid's mom (she didn't speak Korean, or English, but she understood), and people go on with their lives. So that was memorable.

Now to our lesson we were going to in the first place. We come in, he's hospitable, and gives us tea (actually it was just some dandelions in hot water... Kinda weird but not bad) and oranges. We teach a quick HTBT, intro the Book of Mormon and a bit of the Plan of Salvation. He asks a ton of questions, and I don't understand all of it, but the spirit was there hardcore. He said he'd read the Book of Mormon and call us if he had questions or interest.

No updates on our investigators this week... Yi's wife has been sick so we couldn't meet him, and Kim 2 has been working, so we haven't been able to meet with them.

I'll close off today with this... Don't go out into the desert wearing only flip-flops. What I mean by that is we don't have commandments just for fun. They are designed to protect us and guard us from the dangers that are in the world today. Don't let yourself think that the rules and commandments are no big deal, because they are there for our benefit. You might not get stung the first time, or the second, or the hundredth, but you will get stung eventually. I encourage everyone to follow the counsels of their leaders and of God in our lives.

Love you all, and long email is long, but it's good stuff,

~Elder Skinner

The view from my apartment

This is a bap burger... It's a burger with rice instead of buns. It's kind of cool.

  • This is my Korean name, pronounced "Su Jagseon". It means "The Hand that Does the Good"

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