Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Spring is coming, and it didn't even knock! Elder Skinner runs out of Kimchi! :(

Good morning and 안녕하세요 to all! It's spring out here in Korea, and it's super nice! The weather has been awesome, if a little wet, and all the trees are starting to bloom. Plus, this week has been pretty good for us in 구리!

So to start... Interesting thing about transfers...

So Elder Barr (In our apartment) was supposed to go to a new area this Wednesday, but he got a call from the APs Tuesday Night that he was going to stay, and someone else in our district (Elder Yi Jung Hyeon 이중현) was going to the Office (He's been having some physical problems that make it hard for him to do missionary work). The Elder that was supposed to replace Elder Barr was going to replace him instead. Thing is... Transfers were on April Fools' day, and they didn't tell us anything about this call, so they pretended they were going out to transfers, and then when we were about to start personal study, they jumped back inside and shouted "April Fools" at us and explained everything.

So after that, we've had some success the past little bit. We met with Yi this past Tuesday, and he was super nice, and we're gonna start teaching him and his family English, and the Gospel at the same time! He's met with a lot of missionaries before and we're hoping that we can bring him closer to Christ.

Also, Bei randomly called us this week and wanted to meet. We said sure, and we ended up bringing him in to our English Preparation Meeting. I worried that he'd be super bored but apparently he liked it, and wants to meet us again this week. I like him. He's cool.

Right after that we met with another man we met on the street, named Kim (We'll call him Seong). He's older, and has a physical condition (I don't remember what it's called in English) that makes him unable to use the left half of his body... It's super sad but he's super cool. He listens really well and said that he'd accept baptism if he decides the message is true. We're gonna keep trying to help him.

In other news, we were able to start Recent Convert lessons with Kim. He's a great kid and we're hoping he stays strong in the Gospel, especially since he's got a little while before he goes to the military... The military can cause a lot of members to fall away, I've heard.

But that's all good! We've been doing super well out here, and we figured out that Gatorade is super cheap at the local market...

Leaving off with a scripture story today, it's in Mosiah Chapter 27 Verses 3-5, which talks about the people of Zarahemla and how much charity they had for one another. It mentions a few specific things they did, and ends off with the phrase, "and doing these things, they did abound in the grace of God". I testify that if we have charity towards one another, that we too can abound in the grace of God.

All of you have a good week, enjoy General Conference, and Don't Forget to be Awesome!

~Elder Skinner

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