Wednesday, April 15, 2015

I don't always give the best talks at Conference... Elder Skinner watches Conference!

Hello everyone! How has your week been? As for me, one week later than most of the world, we all watched General Conference! There were a lot of good messages shared by lots of people, but before that let's talk about what happened the week before!

This week me and Elder Barr went to the heart of Seoul to complete LPP with the APs... It was quite the trip, and we get to make it again this week because we didn't finish! Yay! But it all went well, we just had to cut it short because of travel time.

The next day I went on exchanges with our new District Leader, Elder Kang. He's working really hard to be a good DL and his English is excellent. That all went well, we went out a bit to 도농, and just overall had a good experience.

On Friday, we had an appointment shortly after Weekly Planning, so we had to hurry and catch a bus out to the area the appointment was, and once we get there Elder Moore realizes that he forgot his tie... Naturally embarrassed, but we made it through the dinner, and the member even gave us a referral! After that we immediately returned to the apartment, but before he grabbed his tie we figured we were already being punks, so we bought Cheese Balls... for Conference... haha.

As for conference, we were able to bring Bei to the Saturday Morning session! Not sure how he took it (we were downstairs watching in English) but it seemed like he had fun. We have another appointment with him next Saturday.

Otherwise, not much happened on the investigator front... We did try and meet with Jung but he kind of chickened out on us... (Get it? He owns a chicken shop! Haha ^_^) and wouldn't you know it, our phone broke on Friday Night, so we can't call Yi or Seong. We'll keep trying though.

And now to Conference! This time I really enjoyed a few talks, but especially Elder Renlund's talk about trying hard, and the quote "'Twas I, but 'tis not I" was really good. I also liked Elder Holland's talk about the two brothers climbing the cliff. It has a lot of applications in our lives.

In priesthood session, there was also a super awesome musical number, "Master, the Tempest is Raging" to close out the session. It was super good.

I'll end off today with a picture that I'm sure you all will appreciate. Good luck, and 화이팅!

~Elder Skinner

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