Saturday, March 21, 2015

Chastity Rice... Happy Pi Day from Seoul!

Good day everyone! Hope you all are doing well! 

This past week has been pretty fun. We've had a focus on the Book of Mormon, so we've been trying to give out a bunch of them to people on the street. This Friday we gave out 9! That's 9 people that have the chance to come closer unto Christ, and it's awesome. A lot of them probably won't get baptized, but they have that opportunity!

Also this week me and my companion ate 보신탕 (Dog meat soup). The meat had a lot of ligaments and other not-delicious parts of it, but the other parts of it were pretty good. Of course, I'd much rather have some chicken or a different variety of meat, but now I can say I've had it.

We went to the temple this past Tuesday... It was a great experience, but the train ride there was the most crowded place I've ever been in, ever. I was worried I wouldn't be able to get out where I needed to... As it is, I only got out of there because everyone else had to get out there as well. Note to self, try to avoid taking a train when everyone else is going to work.

Our investigators are all doing pretty well. Kim 2 missed our appointment a couple days ago... We've set up an appointment to meet with him later this week, and this time we know how to avoid that happening. It's hard cause he works all day, every day (In Korea, that's normal). 

We're going to meet with Yi tomorrow after studies (he's the person we helped move in a little while ago). We're gonna try and teach his family English, and also the Gospel. He really likes missionaries so it should all be good.

We also have another Kim (We'll call him English Kim) that wants to learn English, but can't always come to English class. We're gonna do the same program with him as with Yi, but he needs to find a friend or family to learn with him... He's a super cool guy though.

And an  update on Kim 1, he came to church this week! We were able to contact him and set up an appointment for after English class. We bought him some food, and overall he's just being normal again... We think he's just been studying super hard for a test.

A lot of others can't really be called investigators yet... We've just been talking to them a bit.

And as for the title of this email... I've been learning the fourth lesson (The Commandments) in Korean, and the words for "Law of Chastity" (순결의 법- Sungyeorei Bop) and "Chastity Rice" (순결의 밥- Sungyeorei Bap) are super similar, and while I was practicing with my companion I accidentally said the latter. Now we like to make jokes about Chastity Rice in our apartment sometimes.

That's it for today, hope you all are doing swell in all of your miscellaneous places! Keep holding to the rod, and you will obtain the fruit that is most desirable above all other things.

Good luck to you all,

~Elder Skinner

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