Monday, August 15, 2016

They don't pay me enough to do this in only an hour! July 31, 2016

Meaning that once again, I don't have much time! But here's the week in wrap-up!

Monday was not P-day, but we still had a great time having a streetboarding activity and going down to Wondang (The other area in my district) to conduct Language-Progress assessment with one of the sisters in the district.

Tuesday was not only P-day, but we went to the Temple! As always it was an awesome experience, and afterwards we took some pictures, ate sushi, and went down to Dongdaemun to buy some fancy ties!

Wednesday I had district meeting! It was scary! But it went well and the spirit helped me to teach the district what we needed.

Friday we went back to Seoul to have a meeting with former Korea Mission president, President Brown! He taught us some cool lessons about missionary work and about the history of Korea in the gospel. I also went on exchanges with my Zone leaders!

Sunday we met with Eliot! He stopped answering his phone so we went down to his house and he was there and we went out and taught him a bit. He drank last night, but is still willing to meet and in interested in the Gospel!

Sorry but my companion's waiting for me! I'll talk to you all next week!

~Elder Skinner 

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