Monday, August 15, 2016

The Battle Axe of +3 teaching skills July 24, 2016

Morning everyone! Elder Skinner's back this week with another reference to Dungeons and Dragons (which my companion is a pretty good fan of) and another weekly email! This week in Korea... It was hot, and humid! We've had to get pretty creative in the ways we were able to cool down and keep hydrated, but we haven't had any negative side effects yet!

Other news from this week, we played board games at a cafe with our Zone Leaders on P-day (one of them being my MTC companion) and we got playing an old western-style game, and I was the Sheriff... and I won. Obviously I just kept cool about it and stuff but it was pretty intense.

This Tuesday I went on exchanges with Elder Conley!.. He's already my companion, but since we are Co-Senior, we decided it would be fun to have a day where we went on exchanges with each other. It was great fun, and we learned a lot and made everything fun.

I also went on exchanges with Elder Apigo, making this round 2 with him! Reason is, when I was all the way back in Shinchon, Elder Apigo was in his first transfer, companions with a Zone Leader. As my companion was District Leader, Elder Apigo and I were left together in Shinchon to work for a day. Now he's back, and the roles are switched around a bit! We were able to teach two lessons with new investigators, who were both awesome!

Lastly, because I have to get going, was President Interviews, a lunch appointment with a member, and Weekly Planning, all in one day! It was a great day, the food was awesome- Shabu Shabu and Rice Paper Rolls. I would highly reccommend it.

Thank you all for tuning in, and I'll talk to you all next week! DFTBA!

~Elder Skinner

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