Sunday, July 10, 2016

A very large pork chop, buckets of rain, and a missed service opportunity far, far away.

Hello everyone! Good morning to all. As you could have probably guessed by the title of my email, it's been a pretty busy week! As an impromptu DL for a week, in a threesome, in the Western part of Korea in the summer has been quite the adventure!

However, I will attempt to keep it short, as as usual, I don't have a lot of time.

For P-day last week we rode bikes around the lake, but then we took a slightly more fun and exciting route... Two of us fell, and another one (that may or may not have been me) did some skids on the downward sloped curves.

Later on, at a member's house, I mentioned a slight back pain and the next thing I know I'm upside down in a back massage machine, getting my back painfully massaged in the heat... it was quite an adventure, and also very entertaining for my companions in the other room. It seems to have helped, but I'm not entirely sure...

On Wednesday I gave my very first District Meeting. I had only 24 hours to prepare, but it seems like people enjoyed it...

Then comes the reason for the title of this email... After weekly planning on Friday,  we planned to go help one of the sisters' investigators' father do some moving in his auto shop in a less-populated area of our area. However, we get down there and we find that he's not there and had conveniently forgotten to tell us that he would be gone (granted, we could have called ahead). So we're in our P-day clothes, in the middle of nowhere, it's pouring buckets for days, and we, being the smart missionaries we are, decide to walk home. Stopping on the way at a slightly more pricey restaurant specializing in Japanese pork chops (or Donkasse), we were able to make it home on time, drenched from head to foot.

Transfer calls came the next day, and while I will be staying in Ilsan, the threesome will be splitting up. Elder Paulsen is going back into Seoul, and Elder Polley will go to the countryside, far away from here.

I lack the time to talk about Eliot, our best investigator buddy, or about our day yesterday with many miracles just that we noticed, but I hope you all have a wonderful day and that you don't have to walk home in the rain like we did! See you next week!

~Elder Skinner

서울시 종로구 자하문로 152 1동
서울 선교부

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