Sunday, July 10, 2016

102 reasons Ilsan Ward is the Best~

Morning everyone! Sorry I'm a bit late to emails this week, we had an appointment! But I'll talk about that in a bit. How are y'all doing? Getting along well this fine day?

This week has been full of miracles, beginning with last week on Monday, when we met with a new investigator! He came into contact with the church online, but hadn't been contacted for a long time... That is, until we got a hold of him! ㅋㅋ. He's super nice and willing to learn, but doesn't have a lot of time before he moves back to the UAE for school at the beginning of September.

This week was also mission tour with Elder Yamashita of the Seventy, where he taught us a lot (some of which I don't remember very well ㅋㅋ) but I did enjoy it and it answered a lot of questions that I have about our area.

Also this week we've been focusing more on work with the members. This past week we called each member family (the ones in which the father was a member) and encouraged them to bring a friend to next week's Ward Conference. They accepted well and were talking about it the next Sunday at church!

Saturday we had some more experience with the youth, as we were invited to help the Ward to do baptisms for the dead at the Seoul temple! That was a great experience and a good way to bond with the youth... That, and they invited us to a Sushi buffet afterwards (picture included)!

And finally, yesterday (Sunday) we got together as a zone in a large shopping center in our area to do a finding activity together, and a lot of the members came! They all helped, admittedly some did better than others, but that'll happen sometimes ^^;;. It was great, though, and we saw some cool miracles!

That's all I have time for this week, but I'll see you all next week with some fun stories and some wonderful adventures from the Promised Land of Ilsan! Love you all, talk to you next week!

~Elder Skinner

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