Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Another great week in Korea... Elder Skinner gets an Interesting Compliment!

Good morning, Everyone! Unless it's not morning when you read this, in which case, good whatever it is right now!

Korea's doing pretty well out here! The weather is nice, the people are too, and the food is still the best! This past week we went to the temple in Seoul, which was a great experience. It's a peaceful place, even though it's right in the middle of the city!

After that, we took a trip to Dongdaemun market, and we all got some new ties!

The rest of the week went along pretty normally. We visited some less-actives out in the country, Elder Eagar got a nasty blister on his foot, and Elder Mueller told me I'd be a good person to call if he needed to drag a dead body somewhere... So yeah, add that to the resume.

Brother Yi came to English class on Saturday (we weren't teaching that day though), and he mentioned he would want to get baptized! One of the sisters in the ward has been trying to make friends with his wife, and they feel a lot more comfortable coming out to things. They didn't come to church this week though.

But we did have one person at church! We met a person on the street on Friday named Sam (he's from Thailand) who said he wanted to come to church, and he came! Elder Eagar translated for him, and he learned a lot about the church. He's super great, we like him a lot.

Also this week we met Sang, who is a bit younger, and a little hyp
eractive, but he really likes the church, and likes us, so we met with him and talked a bit. He's really nice, we're hoping to work with him well the next little while.

In other news this week, we encountered a Buddhist monk! He talked to us, interested in going to America, and we talked a bit about religion but he didn't seem too interested in our message. I did get a picture with him, though!

So that's this week in a nutshell. Hope you all are doing well out there, I love each and every one of you! Never forget the importance of our message of peace to the world, and always remember that someone is there for you!

~Elder Skinner 작선

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