Monday, May 18, 2015

Seriously these bees are gigantic... Elder Skinner goes to America! (or does he?)

Hello everyone, I'm coming to you live from beautiful Korea, where I have yet again come into contact with huge, gigantic bees that seek my utter destruction!

So last week after emails, the whole district went out to Gapyeong, about 2 and a half hours away by train, to visit a member family. They're in the distant countryside, they have a nice house, with a bit of land, shared by the aforementioned bees. It was really pretty, I thought about moving there after my mission.

In other news, I have a new companion! His name is Elder Eagar, from Lehi, Utah, and so far he's super cool. He likes sports, but even more than that he loves missionary work!

We also have two new elders in our apartment, Elders Johnson and Ryu. Both are super awesome missionaries and I'm excited to work with them for this next transfer.

Elder Eagar's first day here, we met with Bei! He kinda just called us and we met at the church. We talked about prayer and invited him to church, but he didn't come. We still love him though.

 But guess who did come to church? Brother Yi's family! She left her kids there for classes (as she had to do something else), but she promised to come next week! They are super awesome people.

This past Saturday as well us and the Ward put on an English Village! We spent some time helping elementary school kids practice English by role-playing real English scenarios, such as a school, hospital, and a 7-11! That was super fun, and with the ward involved it was a huge success.

In closing this week, I want to share a quote. I don't remember who it's by, but it says that "We are a perfect church, made up of imperfect people". Sometimes it's hard when other people, especially those in the church, make a mistake that causes problems for others. It's important to remember, though, that no one is perfect, and we should always be willing to help and forgive one another, even when it's hard.
Have a good week everyone! Work hard and have fun too!

~Elder Skinner

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