Monday, June 8, 2015

Koreans Love Spam! Elder Skinner steps on a Squid!

Good morning to all you out there in reader-land, who may have been interrupted by this email from doing something important, like talking to your families and such. In any case, now you're reading so I'll just continue on with my weekly report.

This week has had a lot of stuff happen, but a lot of it is just normal stuff. We've met a lot of nice people, had a few good times, and ate some delicious food, including Korea's favourite meat, Spam! Seriously Koreans adore this stuff.

As for our investigators, Brother Yi and his family are in the Philippines for a month! We called them the day before to say goodbye and his wife said to me in kind of broken English "Elder Skinner... When we get back... you need to still be here!" I told them I'd try but I thought that was pretty cool.

We had a couple of people say they would come to church this week, including Sang, from last week, but none came. Hopefully next week whatever kept them from coming can be helped so they can come next week!

Short email this week and here's why... This next week our whole district is participating in a '100 hour week' of missionary work! Our team will be modifying it a bit but basically we'll be dedicating all our time to the work, and it's already looking to be a great opportunity for us. We have had lots of success in setting up appointments to meet people and help them come unto Christ!

 So that's it for this week! I'll send in the results of our week in about 7 days! I feel like I'll have a lot to say! In the mean time, here's a picture of the Han Gang river!

 ~Elder Skinner

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