Tuesday, November 1, 2016

I just don't know what happened Oct. 23, 2016

 Morning everyone! Hoping you had a great week, cause I did! And seeing as I have a short amount of time I'll get right into the email!

This tuesday we learned a lesson that cheating never works. The story is, we were planning to share an English class message, but the video didn't work last minute, so we had to swith last minute and make it into a paper airplane contest about honesty. The idea is that everyone throws their airplane, then the missionary goes last and crumples up his plane into a ball and throws it farther than all the others. Thing is, my companion goes right before me (the designated 'cheater'), and his airplane just wrecks the competition, flying almost out of the room... And I, even with my cheating ways, was unable to get it farther. So there you have it, cheating doesn't work.

Later on, we went to a combined mission conference with Elder Bednar! Saw a couple of friends from the other mission, and of course heard from Elder Bednar teach us a few things... He's quite the comedian, though.

And a funny story from the week... We were walking around a park with a lake, and me and my companion spot a balloon, rolling across the grass. We don't think too much of it, until we hear a girl let out a little scream, and we find that the balloon had snuck up behind her and bumped into her, and she was caught off guard. That made our day just a little bit more entertaining.

But that's all I have time for, so I'll talk to you all next week and once again I hope you have a great week!

~Elder Skinner

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