Saturday, January 23, 2016

Elder Skinner's unimaginative email title

Morning and Afternoons, brothers and sisters!

I don't have much to say this week.

This week's been pretty good, but the thing is I forgot to write down what I did on my way to emails... So I don't remember much of it. I'll share a few things though.

We met with our Chinese friend Son, who is progressing towards a baptismal date on the 30th (we moved it a day to fit with the Branch's schedule). We're super excited for him, and by all accounts he should be ready then!

We visited a few less actives, but those efforts were met with (1) No one home (2) Moved out or (3) They're active members of another nearby ward... That one was an interesting story, though it was kind of awkward when we visited them... haha

We got transfer calls on Saturday and none of us are leaving, so that's pretty cool.

But that's about it for today, so I'll close with an insight I gained this morning from Personal study. It's short, but powerful... Alma teaches that repentance was so important that the Saviour completed the Atonement in order for us to have the opportunity to do so.

I love you all, and remember, we are a people of inclusion! This week, make an effort to do something nice for someone who feels left out and I can promise blessings from it.

Promising more exciting news and updates next week and attaching 7 Gigabytes of prayers and blessings,

~서정민 장로
Elder Skinner

서울시 종로구 자하문로 152 1
서울 선교부

Seoul-Si Jongno-Gu Jihamun-Ro 152 1-Dong
Seoul Mission

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