Thursday, October 22, 2015

Birthdays, Anniversaries, and North Korea! Elder Skinner and the Creative Album Title!

Morning, brothers and sisters! Whether or not it's morning wherever you are, have a good one!

As suggested by the title of this email, this week's been a busy one. Tuesday was my companion's birthday (we went on exchanges to celebrate 😸), so everyone wish him a happy 생일!

Thursday our district (excluding the sisters) went up to the DMZ up by Imjingak! We took a tour of a train station (the last station before the line goes into North Korea- not used by the public), saw North Korea from a big tower, and went into some tunnels that North Korea tried to dig into South Korea to invade. Obviously, they weren't successful, I guess you can't blame 'em for trying, though, right?

On Friday was my companion and our roommate's 2 year anniversary of missionary work! To celebrate, we went to Outback! It was pretty delicious, and we had some help from a trusted source to pay for it so that makes it even better!

Later that day we went to a Kim Jang! What's a Kim Jang? Well, it's a place where people go to make Kimchi. We were invited to help make Kimchi for the poor (or maybe North Korea, I'm not sure) so that was super fun. We were even given some to take back home!

That's all for this week, but I hope you all have a wonderful week! Here's a picture from the Kim Jang and a whole bunch of love,

~Elder Skinner

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