Monday, March 9, 2015

Cows! And houses with yards! Elder Skinner's Adventures in Yangpyeong!

Hello everyone! How is everyone doing in the miscellaneous places?

Korea's still going along just fine! People have started coming back from New Year's, and we've been able to talk to some people.

We've been traveling quite a bit this past week, as our area is one of the biggest in the mission. We've been out to Deokso a couple times, Maseok another time, and one time we went all the way out to Obin, which is in Yangpyeong. For those without a handy map of Korea, it's about an hour away by train. There, there's a lot of farming, and it's one of the richer areas in Korea. I got probably closer to a cow than I've been my entire life. Plus, there are Houses! With Yards!!!!

Also yesterday, we talked to a guy on the street for a bit, and he bought us some milk... We talked a bit about our message, including our belief on heaven and hell... He seemed to accept that one okay. He said we could call him later (Which never happens!) and he'd buy us 개고기 (Dog meat). We think he's a great potential investigator.

As for our other investigators, we've only met with Kim 2 this week, we taught him about the Restoration and the Book of Mormon in the train station. He's super shy, but we can tell he's really interested in learning about the gospel.

This past weekend was Stake Conference, and we had a lot of good messages there that I kinda-sorta understood. We also got to sing in the choir! We sang two songs, "Behold, a Royal Army" and "기도했느냐" (Did you Think to Pray). It was a cool experience.

In other news, we're heading into Seoul today to go to Costco, which will be a fun experience for everyone. All sorts of cool things you can't get anywhere else in Korea, for cheap!

One last thing before I go, to all the missionaries on this list, excepting Brian, Ethan, and David... Add me to your email lists! I want to know what's going on in the other parts of Korea, South Africa, Benin, and Vancouver! It only takes a couple of seconds, and you have my email right here (^^^^^).

With that, good luck everyone, have a good time and remember that God loves you! There is nothing that is impossible through the atonement of Christ! And above all, Jacob 6:12.

~Elder Skinner

PS. Here's a picture of us with Kim 2!

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