Friday, February 6, 2015

Kimchi is good.....Jan. 25th

안녕하세요, 여라분! Hello everyone! Greetings from Korea!

Doing lots of work and having lots of fun, all at the same time. There's some not fun stuff too, but we don't like to talk about that.

In any case, the language and culture are coming along, but a lot of it is still completely foreign to me. Sometimes I have to stop and look at a car parked in the middle of a sidewalk or a motorcycle going pretty much wherever it wants and realize that in America, that was weird.

Sadly this week we had to drop a lot of our investigators. One has been sick for a long time and another has just flat-out lost interest. We still have three left, though, and I think we can pull out a couple of progressing investigators from them yet!

We also had to move the baptism back a week... He had to miss church yesterday for family things, and he needed one more week. I guess that gives us more time to teach him, and for him to gain a stronger testimony.

Another of our investigators is a tough one... He likes us, he's my same age (which, in Korea, is important), but he has some strong ADHD (we think it's ADHD, at least) so it's tough for him to focus on the lessons. We think we can make it work though, and I really want him to progress.

Our last one is the owner of a chicken store in 마석 (Maseok), and it's about 45 minutes away by train so we can only teach him once a week. Still, he seems interested, at least a little bit.

Hopefully we can work well with them, and bring them onto the path towards eternal life!

To close, I'm gonna share a scripture. Take this as if I'm saying this to everyone individually. It's the first sentence of 2 Samuel 12:7. It reads, "And [Elder Skinner] said unto [you], thou art the man". You all are the man! Stay strong and DFTBA!

~Elder Skinner,
스키너 장로
Korea Seoul Mission

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