Monday, February 9, 2015

Feb. 9 - "Chilsung Cider is Only OK"

Hello everyone, from all four corners of the earth except Europe! That doesn't count, right?

Korea, in particular Guri City, has been doing excellently since we left it last. In fact, it just got one new member! Brother Kim was baptized and confirmed yesterday! It was lots of fun, albeit pretty stressful for the people setting it up (namely, my companion). He's looking to be a strong member yet.

We also went to the temple on Saturday! We went through a session in Korean with the ward (I get a translator), which was lots of fun. We also went to the bookstore just next to the temple, and I got a Bible Videos DVD, and a MoTab CD, which has some of Mack Whilberg's original compositions.It's all good.

As for our other investigators, Bei comes to English most of the time, but we haven't talked to him much about the gospel in a while. I really like him though, so we're gonna try and talk to him some more.

We didn't meet Jung this week, but we've really been craving his chicken so we'll probably run by his place this week.

And as for Kang... It looks like we've gotta drop him. He texted us the other night wanting us to stop meeting at the church, and he was pretty adamant about it. We'll see if he continues with that.

We did talk to a new potential this week, named Park. He and his wife were both interested, but his wife was a lot less so. We're worried about that, cause his wife seems to be the more decisive one, but he's not a bad prospect.

Speaking of, we got to ride a bus for about an hour and a half to get to Park's apartment. It reminded me just how much buses are not my favorite. They're cheap, though, and they get you where you're going, so there's that.

I leave you all with one scripture to read... No worries, it's short. It's Jacob 6:12, and it reads, "Oh be wise; what can I say more?" I encourage you all to seek wisdom and never be complacent in knowledge. There's always something more to learn, and opinions can always be changed.

Good luck everyone! 화이팅!

Elder Skinner

P.S. Elders still at the MTC... 재 단어 MTC 있습니다. 이것은 아마 없어요, 하지만 여라분은 이것을 봤어면, E-mail을 저에게 보내고, 한국에서 오세요? Thank you Thank you, 감사 배리 므치!

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