Monday, February 9, 2015

Feb. 2 - Chicken!

Hello everyone! Hope all is going well in Utah, North Carolina, Ghana, Benin, Vancouver, Korea, South Africa, the MTC, and all throughout the various places!

Korea has been going pretty much normally since we left it last. Lots of good good chicken, a lot of it coming from our favourite local neighbourhood chicken guy, where we get some good chicken for $7 a box quite frequently. We like him a lot.

As for our investigators, Kim is still progressing towards his baptism next week. He seems really excited about it, so I'm not too worried about having him drop. He's super fun to teach.

Bei hasn't agreed to meet with us in a while, which means he's about to be dropped. We're gonna try and buy him dinner one of these days, and hopefully he'll regain that interest.

We haven't taught a lesson yet to Jung, but he's still willing to talk to us and we still get chicken from him sometimes. Not sure how he'll work out, but hoping for the best!

And we have a new potential investigator, from a place we didn't expect... His name's Kang, and he's a Jehovah's Witness... When we first met him he was kind of a jerk, honestly. It was very much a bible bash, and he continuously insulted (not outright, but same concept) our Korean. We met him again this week, and he was much more polite and even interested. We share a lot of the same beliefs, but he seems very strong in his religion.

Well, have fun everyone in the aforementioned places! Go forth and be awesome!

~Elder Skinner

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