Thursday, November 20, 2014

Week 1 Update

Nov. 13, 2014

Hey everyone! First P-day at the MTC so I thought I'd send back a message... I'm still alive!

The MTC is a different experience in a lot of ways, but in a lot of other ways it's pretty much like summer camp. Learning Korean is tough, but progress is progressing, and things are being learned.

My district is called the 'Celestial District', and the reason for that is that we've got top floor residences and top floor classrooms... That's nine floors combined. If my quads aren't gigantic by the time I leave, I'm doing it wrong.

Lots of people going to Korea... We even got a couple native Koreans in yesterday. They're pretty cool people.

My companion is Elder Dye. He's from Logan, Utah, and is super interested in music. He's part of a band, who has an album on iTunes. I can't listen to it cause I'm a missionary, but you guys can. They're called "Unhinged Paradise".

My roommates are Elder Gay and Elder Seely. Elder Gay is from St. Cloud, Florida, and was a cowboy for the Church's ranch before coming out here. He's a convert, only a member for a year or so, but has a strong spirit. Elder Seely is from Syracuse, Utah, and has a similar spirit with him as well. Both are big into lifting.

I'm running out of time, so I'll introduce my district next week. Hoping to hear from everybody soon!

Elder Skinner

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