Friday, November 28, 2014

MTC District

Here's a short introduction to the rest of the great people of the "Celestial District."

Elder Craven is tall, kinda spazzy and overall a high-energy guy.   He's great fun to have around and always makes us laugh.   He's from Utah.

Elder Coleman in the person that will get us all together and get us working.   He is fun to talk to and always energetic.   He's from Atlanta, GA.

Elder Perkes is a bigger guy, more quiet than the others.   I don't know him very well yet, but rest assured that'll change quickly.   He's also from Utah.

Elder Steadman is our District Leader, and he was a good choice for the job.   He's not crazy like the others, but will make sure we're all working.   He's from Utah.

Sister Reed is one of the smartest girls here (and coincidentally, one of the smartest people), and knows Japanese and Arabic.  She was an ESL director at Snow College.   She's from Eagle Mountain, UT.

Sister Holbrook is smart as well, she's also caring and kind.  She's from California.

Sister Maughan graduated with my companion in Logan.  She once drowned a raccoon.   She's pretty nice though.  :)

Sister Russell is a huge fan of the Dodgers and Kings.   We don't talk to her anymore.  :)  Seriously though, she's cool.   She's from LA.

Sister Fuataga is from Brisbane, Australia.   She hates root beer and today is the first time she's seen snow.  We like her.

Sister Weigetunga is from Sri Lanka, the result of one missionary couple there.  Her English is very good, but she's shy about it.   Everybody likes her.


Elder Skinner

Week 3 Update

Nov. 27

Happy Thanksgiving everybody! Remember that you have been given much, and be grateful for everything the Lord has blessed you individually with.

Week 3 at the MTC is going quite a lot like the previous ones, plenty of class and plenty of Korean, and even more spirit through the whole campus.

We saw a muggle yesterday! There was a lady who lived right off-campus doing her lawn, and we all took a second to remember that there's a world outside the MTC. I think we're all going a little crazy, some cabin fever up in here.

We had two of the Apostles come to speak to us this week- Elders Oaks and Bednar. Always good to hear from them. I don't have my notes with me, but I'll make sure and send along some of their wisdom when I get the chance.

It's nice to hear from all of you, and I'm hoping the letters and emails keep coming.

Good luck, have fun, and DFTBA,

Elder Skinner
P.S. Here's a picture. We drew it on Elder Craven's desk- no worries, we wiped it off afterwards. ;)

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Week 2 Update

Nov. 20, 2014

안녕하세요, 여러분! (An Nyeong Ha Say You, Yo ro boon!) Hello, everyone!

Week three at the MTC and I'm already excited to leave. Not that it's bad, but I want to go out and get to Korea. There's a restlessness here that's tough to get over.

All sorts of awesome stuff going on out here in MTC land. We get tons of spiritual awesomeness around here- General Authority devotionals on Sundays and Tuesdays, church films Sunday, Temple visits (I'm not supposed to talk about those, in case someone 'accidentally' decides to come to the temple at the same time I'm there, and brings a pizza that they want to give to me. ;) ), it's all just so uplifting.

I feel like I've really gained a stronger testimony while I've been here. Reading sciptures (I've begun the Old Testament- wish me luck!), learning lessons, and reading Jesus the Christ (Awesome book, I recommend it to everyone). I've especially learned to love the people in Korea, and to want to bring them the gospel. Hopefully I can do that effectively. ;)

Looking forward to hearing from you all (That includes you, everyone besides my family and Katie. Come on guys, step it up.) soon!

Elder Skinner
Week 1 Update

Nov. 13, 2014

Hey everyone! First P-day at the MTC so I thought I'd send back a message... I'm still alive!

The MTC is a different experience in a lot of ways, but in a lot of other ways it's pretty much like summer camp. Learning Korean is tough, but progress is progressing, and things are being learned.

My district is called the 'Celestial District', and the reason for that is that we've got top floor residences and top floor classrooms... That's nine floors combined. If my quads aren't gigantic by the time I leave, I'm doing it wrong.

Lots of people going to Korea... We even got a couple native Koreans in yesterday. They're pretty cool people.

My companion is Elder Dye. He's from Logan, Utah, and is super interested in music. He's part of a band, who has an album on iTunes. I can't listen to it cause I'm a missionary, but you guys can. They're called "Unhinged Paradise".

My roommates are Elder Gay and Elder Seely. Elder Gay is from St. Cloud, Florida, and was a cowboy for the Church's ranch before coming out here. He's a convert, only a member for a year or so, but has a strong spirit. Elder Seely is from Syracuse, Utah, and has a similar spirit with him as well. Both are big into lifting.

I'm running out of time, so I'll introduce my district next week. Hoping to hear from everybody soon!

Elder Skinner

Hi Everyone!

Welcome to Jackson's mission blog!   I will try to be a good blogger and post letters and pictures as often as I can.

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Jackson would love to get lots of messages, emails, snail mail, etc.   His MTC P-day is Thursday, so he can read emails then, but he can read snail mail every day!!  Please contact him here:


MTC address:
Elder Jackson Skinner
2007 North  900 East  Unit 79
Provo, Utah  84602

I will update his address in Korea when he heads out there.

Thanks for your support of our kid!

Jennifer (Jackson's mom)