Tuesday, September 6, 2016

It rained buckets on us and now it's cold. Aug. 28, 2016

 Hello all! I'm short on time! Again! But I love you all and I'll do my best to tell you in great detail how my week was!

The week began like other ones in the recent past, with a lot of heat and sweat and all of the wonders that the hottest Korean summer in a long time brings, but then in the middle of the week, it rained... hard. It only rained for a few minutes, but it kept us inside for the rest of the night. Ever since then, it's been drastically cooler- meaning not quite cold, but cool. Kind of weird, but at least it's better than the blistering heat!

I made the Advanced English Class take a test this week, and following that we all got together and taught them how to play Go Fish. It was quite fun for all involved.

I went on exchanges this week to Wondang, the other area in my district, with my zone leader Elder Dye! For those that remember (cookies if you remembered), Elder Dye was my companion way back when in the MTC! So that was quite the adventure, a lot was learned and a lot was shared.

During our exchange, we were called to provide service for some old people at a care center. We came pretty unprepared (as we were expecting something other than what had actually happened) so we performed a play of the Parable of the Talents (I got 5 talents!) and sang some songs for them.

That's all I have time for, but I'll see you all next week, 6 PM Eastern, 9 Pacific! Love you all and hope you have a great week!

~Elder Skinner

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