Monday, August 3, 2015

I've never felt so full in my life... Elder Skinner goes to some Interesting Places!

Hello everyone! Hope you all are having adventures this week!

Not a lot of news in terms of the work this week... We haven't met with Oliver or Kwon this week as Kwon has been in Seoul for work and Oliver has just returned. Kwon should be coming to work next week though so that'll be a great opportunity.

Yesterday we went out to Pyeongchang (Where they're gonna do some of the 2018 Olympics) to have dinner with the branch, and there was so much food I just about exploded. There was beef, pork, squid (all cooked on a Korean barbecue), fruits, snacks, drinks (which is unusual in Korea) and of course Kimchi, and when I started feeling kinda full I look over to the barbecues and they're STILL COOKING. So I gathered all my strength and willpower to eat some more but in the end it just wasn't enough. I did better than my companion though, I think

Also this week we went up to Jumunjin, which if you have no idea what that is (everyone), is a port town north of Gangneung. We walked out by the beach, into the market, saw lots of dried sea creatures hanging out in shops, and discovered that it's really hard to find addresses there, as all the roads are windy and narrow.

I've attached a picture though from Jumunjin that I think you all will enjoy.

This week Elder Bluhm had some sickness, which made it hard for him to go out and proselyte, but with the exception of one day where it was really bad we've still been going out and working as hard as we can. That's been a reinforcement of the things we can overcome when we decide to (which was a hard thing my first little bit on my mission).

No new success to report this week though, but I'm sure our dedication is showing to the Lord and he will help us accordingly.

Love you all! Don't forget to be awesome, and have a great week!

 ~Elder Skinner [?]

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