Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Elder Skinner in the magical land of Gangneung!

Hello everyone, and good morning/afternoon/evening/3 O'clock in the morning or whenever it is in the various places! How are you all doing?

So this week I was transferred out to a new city on Korea's east coast, called Gangneung. Here there is ocean, mountains, city, and countryside all within a few minutes of each other! It's a great place and I'm excited to keep on serving here.

My new companion is Elder Bluhm (Pronounced 'Bloom') and we get along really well. We're both really big nerds so we have some of the same interests. :)

So from Seoul to Gangneung I rode on a bus for 3 hours through the countryside, then commenced a normal week of talking to people and visiting people and just good ol' fashioned missionary work! We went out to the beach once to talk to people out there and man is it pretty! I'll put in a picture below!

The branch out here is small but it's got such great people! I'm super excited to get to know them a lot and bring even more people into the church out here.

One of our investigators is named Oliver (His English name) and he's just about ready to accept a baptismal date... He's been taught a lot of the discussions but because of school he hasn't been ale to come out to church. Now that he has a break from that though he can start coming out and we can help him to be baptized! I'm super excited to work with him.

Not much else in other news, but we are one of the only areas in the mission with bikes so that'll be lots of fun.

I hope you all have a wonderful week! Praying for you lots and especially those of you on your missions remember that you are loved by many people and especially by your Savior and Redeemer!

Love you always,

Elder Skinner

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