Sunday, June 21, 2015

I am really really tired... Elder Skinner works for 95 hours in a week! O_O

Hello everyone I know! How's things been for y'all?

Things out here have been pretty good, but also pretty hard this week. Here's a little bit on why that is:

This past week was one of the last weeks our Mission President will be over the mission. He will be going home in just a couple of weeks. As a result, he gave all the missionaries the opportunity to take the '100 hour week' challenge he did in his mission. Wake up at 5:30 in the morning, leave the house at 6:30, and don't come back until 9:30 at night, taking only a half hour a day for studies when you were just wiped out. You could eat during the day only if you did missionary work in the process, and you couldn't go home to do it.

As a companionship, we decided to do a modified version of this challenge, taking our normal P-day, and a couple days we would do normal studies.

The rest of our district did the same thing, and all together we were able to 고셍 (work hard, or suffer) really hard in missionary work. Here are a few of the things we did;

We made some flyers for our English Class, and started handing them out in the morning to people going to the train station. So far that's been really successful, we've had a lot of new people come from it, and the Sisters found a really prepared investigator from it!

We made a lot of calls and set up a lot of appointments ahead of time (as much as we love street contacting...) and a few of them were able to meet and we taught them a bit. One in particular was Yun, who lives up in 퇴계원 (Tyegyewon) just north of Guri city, and he's really ready to accept the gospel! He's older, about 70, and he lives alone since all his kids are gone out of the house. He's willing to try out what we teach, and we really think he will accept our message. Plus, he plays the 대금 (Daegum- a traditional Korean flute) professionally! I might send some music next week, and he's really good! So yeah, he's pretty awesome.

So just overall, a lot of cool stuff happening this week. A lot of hard as well- we had a couple days where we just went out on the street all day in the heat and talked to everyone we could find. It was super worth it though! I hope all is going the same for you!

So I don't know if you all remember Sam from a couple weeks ago, but for a while we haven't been able to contact him. Then on Saturday, Elder Eagar called him up one more time, and he answered! He's been in Paju City (Outside of our area) with some friends, and he's been reading the Book of Mormon! He says it's his favourite book! He's gonna come to church next Sunday.

Not much time left so I'll just leave with a quick Aloha and a picture of Bei!

~Elder Skinner

Monday, June 8, 2015

Koreans Love Spam! Elder Skinner steps on a Squid!

Good morning to all you out there in reader-land, who may have been interrupted by this email from doing something important, like talking to your families and such. In any case, now you're reading so I'll just continue on with my weekly report.

This week has had a lot of stuff happen, but a lot of it is just normal stuff. We've met a lot of nice people, had a few good times, and ate some delicious food, including Korea's favourite meat, Spam! Seriously Koreans adore this stuff.

As for our investigators, Brother Yi and his family are in the Philippines for a month! We called them the day before to say goodbye and his wife said to me in kind of broken English "Elder Skinner... When we get back... you need to still be here!" I told them I'd try but I thought that was pretty cool.

We had a couple of people say they would come to church this week, including Sang, from last week, but none came. Hopefully next week whatever kept them from coming can be helped so they can come next week!

Short email this week and here's why... This next week our whole district is participating in a '100 hour week' of missionary work! Our team will be modifying it a bit but basically we'll be dedicating all our time to the work, and it's already looking to be a great opportunity for us. We have had lots of success in setting up appointments to meet people and help them come unto Christ!

 So that's it for this week! I'll send in the results of our week in about 7 days! I feel like I'll have a lot to say! In the mean time, here's a picture of the Han Gang river!

 ~Elder Skinner