Tuesday, October 11, 2016

The Dang, Wi City, and Ashley's Oct. 10, 2016

Hello everyone! How are things going this week? Things are going pretty good for us out here in Ilsan, Korea. The weather is cooling down, and it looks like as the weather cools off, the work of the Lord is heating up in Ilsan!

But first, it was P-day, and those of you who know Korea know about the love push machines- throw in a dollar and you have a chance to push a toy off a shelf and into your hands. My companion is a big fan, and I happen to be pretty good at them, so naturally we spend some time on one nearby the barber shop. With a total of 6 dollars (7 tries) we are able to win three prizes, with one of them taking only one try. It was pretty great.

But now back to the actual missionary work.

After zone meeting, I was able to go out to Wondang ('the dang' in the title above) with one of my zone leaders, Elder Ridge. Naturally, the first thing we do is go to a buffet with the other Wondang elders, but the thing is, one of them is vegetarian... So we are forced to go to a much more expensive buffet than normal, which was fine, especially when we get there and find that our vegetarian friend is able to eat like no one else. Quite the adventure.

While I was in Wondang, my companion and my friend Elder Dye met with our new investigator from English Class, Jin. Jin didn't have too much interest at first, but he accepted an invitation to General Conference on Saturday and seemed to really enjoy it! So we'll see how he progresses!

And last, but surely not least, what we ate in between conference sessions... One of the members took us out to eat by the church, and as there wasn't too much to eat nearby the church, we went to a restaurant specializing in fried Eel. Yep, that's a thing here too.

But that's my longer email this week, and I have to go, but I'll see y'all here next week! Peace out~

~Elder Skinner

Monday, October 3, 2016

Elder Skinner picking pecks of pickled peppers Oct. 2, 2016

But, before we get into the picking of peppers... Hello everyone! Kamusta ang araw mo? ...I'll wait while you go to Google Translate to figure out what that meant, and then I'll explain that this week was transfers and I have a new companion! Elder Saguinshin, from the Philippines! He's a young missionary, though my elder in years on earth, and he's a great companion and friend so far. We've already had plenty of adventures, the most notable of which being the above mentioned pepper picking!

Thursday, the day after transfers. We go to a members' house, who lives south of Ilsan proper and in the countryside... At the end of the bus route. We pick peppers for about 2 and a half hours and we maybe got halfway done. Pictures attached~

Later on, this Sunday, it started to rain. Me and my companion decided it would be good to go out and find people anyway, so we get out with high hopes and equally high spirits... and then it rains harder. Nobody's outside, and even those that are don't want to talk to us... Well, everyone has those days, I guess.

I don't have much time to make other announcements, but things are still going well out here in the old Ilsan. Hope you all have a great week, full of blessings and perhaps some Great Chocolate Pies (That honestly could be greater), but until then, James 5:7-8, and lots of love!

~Elder Skinner