Monday, February 8, 2016

The most wonderful thing about Tiggers

Morning everyone! Happy new year!  It's the year of the Monkey.

I'll be honest, not a lot happened this week, so this email's gonna be a bit shorter, but that doesn't mean I don't love you all and want you all to pay attention to me and my needs! I'm kidding, of course.

We met a new investigator named Jay, and he used to live with an LDS family in Seattle, so that's pretty neat. He seems to accept everything well but he's just one of those Koreans that I just can't read. We scheduled a return appointment, though, so at least he's willing to continue to learn more.

We also ate pizza with Son and talked about the Holy Ghost (as he was going to receive it on Sunday). That all went well, but if you're ever ordering Korean pizza, just get pepperoni... haha!

As if to make up for the Korean pizza, however, we found the most delicious chicken place ever. Korean chicken, unlike Korean pizza, is undeniably tasty.

We met with Tony, and we still need to sit down and formally teach him stuff, but he is growing to like us, so there's that. We're gonna meet him with one of the senior couples in the next week or so.

Other than that, all was pretty normal... This week's looking to be a bit more exciting, though, so be prepared for perhaps a longer email next week.

Today I learned how to compare the Gospel to Baseball, and I thought you all would enjoy it, so here it goes: Let's say you are a baseball player, and you have a professional baseball player you really admire and look up to. Now imagine if he told you exactly what you needed to do to become a star baseball player like him. I believe we would trust his advice, and do at least some of the things he advised. That's a lot like faith- as we follow the example of Jesus Christ to become the best people we can be.

Not everyone will be a perfect runner, hitter, fielder, etc. on their first try. That's why we need repentance. As we change our training style to more closely follow the advice given us by our star baseball players, we should change our lives to more closely follow Jesus Christ.

As we grow and learn, we eventually make a solid commitment to play baseball and sign on to a team. Once on that team, you are expected to train, play, and act in all aspects to help yourself and help the team to win baseball games. When we are baptized, we make a similar commitment to serve the Lord with all our heart, and act in all ways as a servant of Jesus Christ.

Our coaches, in return, help us and guide us as to how we need to train and play to be the best players we can be. On that token, we are promised the Holy Ghost, that will help and guide us throughout our lives to grow closer to Christ. And then, of course, we must continue training and practicing to play in the Major Leagues.

I hope you all have a great week, and remember the blessings the Gospel has brought in your lives! See you all next week!

서울시 종로구 자하문로 152 1
서울 선교부

Seoul-Si Jongno-Gu Jihamun-Ro 152 1-Dong
Seoul Mission

When life gives you lemons... Baptize them!

Good morning, brothers and sisters! I hope you had a wonderful week and are sitting in a comfortable chair or some other comfortable thing as you read this email.

This week, I went on exchanges to Dongdaemun! During that time, me and my ZL got bible-bashed by two Presbyterian church guys... It's a fun story, but the person my ZL set up an appointment with that night had called two of the Elders from his church to come and share opinions on church with us. All with the best of intentions, I assume, but perhaps it was a good thing that I didn't bring my English scriptures, lest some larger conflict should have arisen.

For P-day, we found some Superhero keychains that light up and make noise, so we bought matching district superheroes. Apparently, I'm the Green Lantern.

One of our more interesting investigators moved to Incheon this week, and for once we had a normal conversation with him on the phone... It actually made me sad a bit but the work moves on, right?

 On Saturday we barely made it into English Class with our nametags intact, as we very nearly had a tier-1 emergency with the English book. As it was, we put it all together in time, and all worked out reasonably without hitch, so that's good... Right?

Also at English Class on Saturday was the other Elders' investigator, Ted, from Ethiopia. Yes, he did come to learn English, but afterwards the other elders gave him a Book of Mormon in his native language (I don't even remember what it was), and he was super stoked about that. He's gonna read it.

And as you all know well, we had a baptismal service yesterday! It didn't come without its problems- I won't go too much into detail, but there was some drama before the baptism- but in the end, Brother Son was able to get baptized! He's super happy about it, despite his expression in the photo below. ^^

I had a pretty interesting thought while reading Alma today... From the war chapters, wouldn't you know.

Alma chapter 44 details the way the Lamanites reacted after they found out they were surrounded by the Nephite armies. At first, their leader refuses the covenant of peace, and the battle continues. However, later, as he finds that his armies are being destroyed, he returns and accepts the peace treaty. Moroni allows them to leave peacefully as they make this covenant and deliver up their weapons to him.

The Lamanite leader could have saved a lot of bloodshed if he had from the get-go accepted the conditions Moroni put forth. As it was, the offer was still available when he was ready to accept it, but many more soldiers would have gone home to their families if he had accepted the terms. It is very similar to the Gospel- We can always accept the terms of the covenant, but the longer we postpone repentance, the longer we needlessly suffer, and the harder it becomes to hold out. Nevertheless, Moroni accepted the Lamanites' surrender, showing that the arm of the Lord is ALWAYS extended to us, no matter how long we put it off.

Love you all, and have a wonderful week! Long email is long, but thanks for reading!

~Elder Skinner

서울시 종로구 자하문로 152 1
서울 선교부

Seoul-Si Jongno-Gu Jihamun-Ro 152 1-Dong
Seoul Mission